Freshwater aquarium fishes comprise the more colorful and more striking members such as, Guppies, Plates, Gold Fish (eg. Fantails, Orandas, Redcaps), Barbs (eg.Golden barbs, Rosy barbs) Danios (eg Zebra danio),Tetras (eg. Serpae, Neon), Gouramis, Cat fishes, Cichlids (eg. Angels,Oscars , Discus)
Supplies mainly from breeding of exotic and indigenous freshwater varieties, which comprise about 70% of the total exports of aquarium fishes by volume.
Marine fish and invertebrates are collected by experienced scuba divers without the use of any chemicals and carefully quarantined to guarantee the best quality when they reach the customer.
There are about 250 species of marine fish and more than hundred species of marine invertebrates to choose from. However, the restrictions being placed on the export and sale of wild caught species with the increasing concern of conservation Supplies mainly come from Natural environments eg. wild caught marine fish and invertebrates and from captive breeding.
Sri Lanka is one of the leading ornamental fish exporters to the world with our aquariums and fish farms successfully captive breeding some of the most exotic and rare freshwater, marine and brackish water fish species and marine ornamental invertebrates in the world