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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


EDB seminar on renewed opportunities for entrepreneurs to enter EU market

EDB seminar on renewed opportunities for entrepreneurs to enter EU market


The EDB organised a seminar in association with the Export Product Associations on ‘Renewed Opportunities in EU Market’ with the objective of making the Sri Lankan export community aware of the opportunities under the EU GSP+ concessions when exporting to European Region.

The seminar was held on 29 May at the EDB Auditorium with the participation of over 200 companies representing the following sectors: Apparel and textiles, footwear and gaiters, rubber and rubber-based products, fish and seafood, precious stones and jewellery, ceramics, plant and foliage, vegetable and fruits, coconut-based products, tea, spices, electrical machinery and equipment and parts.

EDB Chairperson and CEO and representatives from the Department of commerce and Export Product Associations made presentations to the audience.

Department of Commerce Deputy Director G.L. Gnanatheva shared his knowledge with the entrepreneurs and made a presentation on all aspects of GSP+ including new items benefiting from GSP+, general facts about the GSP+, rules of origin criteria applicable for selected products, tariff applicable to EU for major products, tariffs applicable in EU for major export products. He further stressed on the lack of knowledge of the exporters on the availability of tariff concessions under the GSP +scheme.

Joint Apparel Exporters Association Senior Advisor K. J. Weerasighe spoke on the direct impact of the GSP+ on Sri Lanka apparel sector. He thereafter explained and clarified the availability of this requirement GSP+ facility is available for exporter of Sri Lanka at least for five years.

Colonel Channa Weeratunga representing the Sri Lanka Seafood Exporters Association made a presentation on the impact of GSP+ on Sri Lanka’s fishery sector. He emphasised the past and present situation of Sri Lanka’s seafood exports industry, the future of seafood export industry in Sri Lanka and proposals for investment opportunities and development of fisheries and seafood export industry in Sri Lanka.

Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs Chairman Kushan Kodithuwakku made a presentation on the acquisition of EU market for electronic product sector. He explained his first experience in export and how the company managed to enter the market through acquisitions. He requested the Government to remove the red tape to setup operation in countries with which we sign FTAs.

The EDB Chairperson and CEO and other members of association represented the panel discussion to answer the questions raised. The program was a great opportunity for the participating companies to gain overall knowledge on the EU GSP+ concession and to clarify issues related to the concession and EU region in their effort to penetrate the EU market.

Source at: www.dailyft.lk

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