Sri Lanka’s merchandise exports decreased by 1.96 % to US$ 1,037.5 Million in March 2023 compared to March 2022. Moreover, it is a 5.14 % decrease when compared to March 2021. Less demand created for major products in major markets due to the current economic situation further continues.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce (AHK Sri Lanka) together with the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) organized an awareness program for Sri Lankan exporters in preparation for the forthcoming German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains that came into force in Germany from 1st January 2023. The initiative aimed to increase awareness regarding the new law in Germany, and outline the challenges and opportunities for Sri Lankan Export Industries.
Export Development Board of Sri Lanka (EDB) new Chairman Dr. Kingsley Bernard yesterday revealed plans to achieve $ 31.3 billion target by 2027 thereby heralding much-needed dollar earnings to overcome the prolonged foreign exchange dearth and stabilise the economy.
Veteran Export Professional Dr. Kingsley Bernard assumed Chairmanship of the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) on 3rd April 2023.
Sri Lanka’s merchandise exports decreased by 8.06 % to US$ 1,005.2 Million in February 2023 compared to February 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. However, it is a 5.62% increase when compared to February 2021.
Sri Lanka is globally known as an emerging destination for IT and IT enabled services. ICT/BPM industry is in the front line of the export earning sectors in Sri Lanka and achieved this position in a shorter period of time when compared with other traditional export sectors. One of the reasons for this development is that Sri Lanka has an important resource than any other country – the talent.
Sri Lanka is well known for its technology enabled services. Despite being a small country in South Asia, the tech innovations of the country is chosen by many global clients as their technology partner or offshore service delivery destination. Along with the global reputation of being the “Island of Ingenuity” and with the enormous opportunities created by the brand image, Sri Lankan ICT/BPM companies are expanding their horizons in global marketplace.
Earnings from the merchandise exports decreased by 9.7 % y-o-y to US$ 1,044 Mn in December 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the decrease in export earnings from Apparel & Textiles, Tea, Rubber based Products, and Coconut based Products, Food & Beverages, Spices & Essential Oils and Fisheries products.
Sri Lanka Export Development Board presents its flagship statistical publication “Export Performance Indicators 2021”. The latest edition provides statistical information related to Sri Lanka’s external trade and its contribution to major economic indicators such as trade balance, GDP and individual sectoral involvement for the year 2021 and five preceding years.
Earnings from the merchandise exports decreased by 8.18 % y-o-y to US$ 1,094.8 Mn in October 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the decrease in export earnings from Apparel & Textiles, Tea, Rubber based Products, Coconut based Products, Spices & Essential Oils and Fisheries sector. Further, the impact of global crisis also affecting to decrease export earnings of major products.
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) in collaboration with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, Board of Investment and Sri Lanka Tea Board has made arrangements to organize a virtual Sri Lanka Country Pavilion at the 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE).
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 5.75 % y-o-y to US$ 1,093.98 Mn in September 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in export earnings from Apparel & Textiles, Tea, Gems & Jewellery, Electrical & Electronic Components and Spices & Essential Oils.
Stressing the importance of providing a business conducive environment, “the government is focused and has given the highest recognition to exports and investments – to create employment, enhance foreign exchange earnings with economic and social benefits to our people”, the State Minister for Investment Promotion, Hon. Dilum Amunugama said, expressing his views at a meeting held with the Chairmen and representatives of EDB’s Advisory Committees on Thursday, October 14th, at the BOI Auditorium in Colombo.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 10.24 % y-o-y to US$ 1,213.7 Mn in August 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 2.25 % y-o-y to US$ 1,128.7 Mn in July 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles.
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) organized an informative webinar on “Opportunities in the Israeli Market” in collaboration with the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Israel together with the support of the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce (FICC) and Israel – Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce on 03rd August, 2022.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 20 % y-o-y to US$ 1,208.2 Mn in June 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles, Rubber based products, Coconut based products, Food & Beverages and Seafood.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 9.9 % y-o-y to US$ 980.2 Mn in May 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles, Coconut based products and Electrical & Electronic Components.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 11.87% y-o-y to US$ 915.3 Mn in April 2022, the highest monthly value recorded for the month of April.
Sri Lanka’s merchandise exports increased by 9.91% to US$ 1,046 Million in February 2022 compared to February 2021 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. Further, it is a 5.8% increase when compared to February 2020.