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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


EDB News


Sri Lanka earns over Rs. 11 billion in 2015 from exports of locally manufactured boats


Sri Lanka earns over Rs. 11 billion in 2015 from exports of locally manufactured boats

Sri Lanka's Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Mahinda Amaraweera says the locally manufactured boats currently has a high demand in the international market.

According to the Minister, during the past years, Sri Lanka has earned a massive amount of foreign exchange from exportation of boats and vessels. In 2014, Sri Lanka earned Rs. 11.48 billion and Rs. 11.2 billion in 2015 from the vessel exports.

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Large Section Of Tourists Beach-Based


Large Section Of Tourists Beach-Based

With a large section of Sri Lanka’s tourism being beach-based, the industry in the island nation requires pleasure sail boats and boats for sea excursions for whale/dolphin watching, leisure fishing, snorkelling, scuba diving, etc. This was highlighted at a session held last week to announce the Boat Show & Fisheries Exhibition Sri Lanka 2016 scheduled to take place from October 13 to 15 at the Dickowita Fishery Harbour, Colombo.

It was also noted that Sri Lanka has a coastal shore-line of 1,340kms and a large inland water mass consisting of lagoons, lakes, reservoirs etc. There are 13 major fishery harbours, 15 anchorages and 1,053 landing sites on the coastal belt. However, the full potential of the ocean is yet to be utilized and ideal water front lands for development of marinas and boat yards are available around the island.

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World Export Development Forum creates opportunity for PPP’s


World Export Development Forum creates opportunity for PPP’s

With the recent launch of the WEDF 2016 to be held in Sri Lanka in October, the EDB has taken a bold step towards creating a true sense of the word of Public, Private Partnership.

Several leading professionals who have been invited from national chambers and product associations to steer various “action groups” have been appointed to head six different Committees tasked to map strategies and plan  all aspects of arrangements to successfully hold the 2 day conclave which is the 16th edition of the WEDF.

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Registration & Authorization of foreign slaughterhouse and Manufactures of other animal products under Saudi Food and Drug Authority


Registration & Authorization of foreign slaughterhouse and Manufactures of other animal products under Saudi Food and Drug Authority

The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and has the honour to inform the esteemed Ministry that the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) has started to register and authorize Foreign Slaughterhouses, Manufactures of  meat, poultry and fish products as well as the Production Facilities of all kind of other Food items which interested to exports their products to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Poland keen on more trade links with Lanka


Poland keen on more trade links with Lanka

The Export Development Board discussed B2B arrangements for the Polish trade delegation to Sri Lanka attending the World Export Development Forum in October 2016

The discussion centered on the Polish participation at the World Export Forum to be held in Colombo in October this year. The Ambassador said that he is very keen on bringing down a large delegation for the event and to organise an objective driven B2B meeting programme for the delegation.

Sri Lanka is well known as a tourist destination and for its quality tea she said.He also emphasised the need for engagement in other prospective areas. Poland is keen to look in to both trade and investment prospectives the Ambassador said.

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Legalization fees of export documents will be charged by the Sri Lankan Rupees


Legalization fees of export documents will be charged by the Sri Lankan Rupees

The Embassy of Republic of Iraq in Colombo presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs of the Democratic Socialistic Republic of Sri Lanka, and has the honour to refer to the Embassy Note No. 12/01/2016 dated 25th January 2016, regarding the legalization fees of export documents charge by the Embassy.

The Embassy wishes to inform the esteemed Ministry that the legalization fees of export documents will be charged by Sri Lanka Rupees with effect from 16th May 2016.

The Embassy of Republic of Iraq in Colombo avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs of the democrotic Socialistic Republic of Sri Lanka the assurances of its highest consideration.

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Sri Lanka slashes tax on raw rubber exports


Sri Lanka slashes tax on raw rubber exports

The Sri Lankan government will slash a cess on raw rubber exports to Rs4 a kilo from Rs15 to help cultivators get better prices by increasing competition between shippers and the domestic industry, a spokesman said.

Media Minister Gayantha Karunatillake said about 80 percent of natural rubber grown in the island is consumed by domestic industrialists and the rest exported.

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Sri Lanka, Germany ties get significant boost


Sri Lanka, Germany ties get significant boost

Sri Lanka’s efforts to liberalise its economy and encouraging of a solid basis to establish close business to business (B2B) contacts are crucial to countries looking to expand investment opportunities, believes Uwe Beckmayer, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany.

“Sri Lanka now has a very stable Government which envisages on new economic base of good governance with reliable conditions to make new businesses, which is very important to attract investments to the country,” he said addressing the Business forum and B2B meeting held with the German business delegation hosted by the Export Development Board (EDB) of Sri Lanka yesterday.

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High-level delegation here from German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy


High-level delegation here from German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

Uwe Beckmeyer, Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, will visit Sri Lanka from 15-17 May accompanied by a large business delegation. This is a follow-up to the visit of President Maithripala Sirisena to Berlin in February this year.

The growing political and business relations between Germany and Sri Lanka, prompted an official visit by Beckmeyer, thus showcasing Sri Lanka’s potential with Europe’s largest economy.

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Cinnamon Training Academy becomes the new twig of Ceylon Cinnamon


Cinnamon Training Academy becomes the new twig of Ceylon Cinnamon

As the number one exporter of Ceylon Cinnamon in the global market, Sri Lanka’s cinnamon industry holds immense importance for the national economy.  The industry plays a valuable role not only in boosting export earnings, but also in enhancing the rural economy. The cinnamon industry generates revenue and employment for 400,000 workers, mainly comprising of smallholders and cinnamon processors or peelers.

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SL Navy exports 9 Patrol Craft to Nigeria


SL Navy exports 9 Patrol Craft to Nigeria

Sri Lanka navy yesterday sold 9 small patrol craft, indigenously built by the Inshore Patrol Craft Project of the Navy established at Welisara, to the Nigerian Government.

The deal is a milestone in the annals of the Sri Lanka Navy as this is the very first transaction, where the Navy involved internationally earning foreign exchange to the country.

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Kandy IT/BPM Week 2016 in June


Kandy IT/BPM Week 2016 in June

n a move to create a much-needed IT/BPM capacity, the Industry is advocating the creation of regional cities and bring about inclusive growth in the country. Kandy IT/BPM Week is one such initiative, which will be held from10th to 12th of June 2016, organized by SLASSCOM, supported by the Export Development Board (EDB), Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA) and the Ministry of Education (MOE).

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Sri Lanka to host World Export Development Forum 2016


Sri Lanka to host World Export Development Forum 2016

The World Export Development Forum (WEDF), the flagship event of the Geneva-based International Trade Centre (ITC) will be held in Colombo, on 12-13 October 2016.

The announcement was made yesterday by Minister of Development Strategies and international Trade Maiik Samarawickrama. ITC Executive Director Arancha Gonzalez and Export Development Board Chairperson lndira Malwatte. Previous editions of WEDF have been held in Doha, Qatar (2015), Kigali, Rwanda (2014), Jakarta, Indonesia (2012), Istanbul, Turkey (2011) and Chongqing, China (2010).

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A ‘silver lining’ to a threatened industry Offshore Fish Farming in Trincomalee


A ‘silver lining’ to a threatened industry Offshore Fish Farming in Trincomalee

If a dark cloud at present hangs over the dwindling local fisheries resources, Oceanpick (Pvt) Ltd has created a silver lining amid that general gloom, by developing Sri Lanka’s and South Asia’s first ever responsible, commercial scale oceanic farm for Finfish.

The Company unveiled its ‘Round Island’, oceanic fish farming brand on Monday at Eagles’ Golf Links, China Bay, Trincomalee marking Sri Lanka's bold entry into aquaculture farming in the open seas.

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Daily FT-MTI forum challenges Sri Lanka exports to think radical and quantum


Daily FT-MTI forum challenges Sri Lanka exports to think radical and quantum

The Daily FT-MTI Thought Leadership Forum on Sri Lanka exports, titled ‘Sri Lanka’s Export Challenges,’ confronted the brutal reality of reasons behind Sri Lanka’s stagnant export growth, while evaluating its future with radical strategic options.

The well-attended forum saw a large number of industry leaders, exporters and investors. The forum featured a key presentation by MTI CEO Hilmy Cader on ‘Sri Lanka Exports — Confront Reality. Think Strategic. Or?’ which was highly commended by all stakeholders.

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Cinnamon training academy opens in Kosgoda


Cinnamon training academy opens in Kosgoda

A purpose-built cinnamon training academy was inaugurated in Kosgoda on Tuesday to serve as a catalyst for heightened competitiveness in Sri Lanka's cinnamon sector at a global level.

A result of a unique public-private partnership between United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and World Trade Organization (WTO) Standard Trade Development Facility (STDF) project in cooperation with The Spice Council (TSC) of Sri Lanka.

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EDB Chief calls for collective approach to revive exports


EDB Chief calls for collective approach to revive exports

Sri Lanka has been known all over the world for its tea, rubber, coconut and as of late for its apparel and information communication technology (ICT). But due to the grim global situation and increased competitor activity, the country’s export sector has moved towards a negative growth trajectory. While the dampened growth in Sri Lanka’s key export markets and competition are not the only causes for the lag, the challenges on the ground have contributed significantly to the dip. With the new regime taking over and promising better economic prosperity, the business community is yet to witness a revival. Mirror Business sat down with Export Development Board (EDB) Chairperson Indira Malwatte for an in-depth discussion on the strategies conceptualised to drive the export sector forward. The newly appointed chief gave a comprehensive view on the current situation, efforts taken and the challenges ahead in making Lankan exports the prime foreign exchange earner for the nation.

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Sri Lanka tea exports increase


Sri Lanka tea exports increase

Sri Lanka tea exports showed a marginal increase in February according to Ceylon Tea Brokers PLC review.

Country wise analysis of exports shows that the Iraq has emerged as the largest export destination from Sri Lanka followed by Russia & Iran. More importantly cumulative exports to Turkey have dropped by 3.05 Mn/Kg (-50.06%) as against the same period last year.

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Globally tomatoes are growing on Sri Lankan growing media


Globally tomatoes are growing on Sri Lankan growing media

The Japan farming industry has been changing, especially in the Tohoku region since the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. A trend towards less or no chemicals, protecting the environment, and creating the freshest flavors means working with technology while still incorporating a human touch. Tomato Land Iwaki does this with their massive greenhouses, and they are more than willing to give a you a peek--and a taste--inside.

The bueaty of it that all tomato plants are grown on coir slaps import excualisvly from Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan company by the name of Riococo exports more than 300,000 coir slabs and over one million seed raising coir starter blocks to the company.

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EU fisheries ban: Top Lankan team to visit Brussels


EU fisheries ban: Top Lankan team to visit Brussels

Amidst exporters’ praise on government’s continued efforts to resolve the EU fishery ban, a top team of officials from Sri Lanka is now scheduled to depart for Brussels for decisive talks on the ban.

The Lankan team shall include members from the Prime Ministerial Task Force on the EU Fishery ban.

“A top Lankan delegation on the EU Fishery ban is scheduled to leave for Brussels on 30 March” revealed the Chairman of Seafood Exporters Association of Sri Lanka (SEASL) and Managing Director of Global Sea Foods, Prabhash Subasinghe on 17 March at EDB.

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