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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


EDB News


Rise in coconut product exports


Rise in coconut product exports

Sri Lanka’s coconut related exports increased by 86 percent during the first quarter of this year compared to 2011, Coconut Development and Janatha Estate Development Ministry sources said yesterday.

The Coconut Development and Janatha Estate Development Ministry was established in 2011 as a new Cabinet ministry. According to ministry statistics, during the first quarter of this year, Sri Lanka earned over Rs. 5,090 million from coconut related products, an 88 percent increase from the same period in 2011.

In the first quarter of 2011 it was Rs. 2,115 million. It increased annually and the total coconut related products export revenue in 2013 stood at Rs. 44,952 million. Sri Lanka exports 35 coconut related products to 135 countries.

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Pakistan likely to expand FTA trade with Sri Lanka


Pakistan likely to expand FTA trade with Sri Lanka

Pakistan, Sri Lanka’s second largest trade partner in the region, has indicated interest in expanding its free trade agreement (FTA) trade with the island, creating growth in bilateral trade, which already exceeds the US $ 460 million mark, according to Sri Lanka’s trade ministry.

In a statement the ministry said that Pakistan’s High Commissioner Qasim Qureshi had indicated that his country looks forward to expand FTA trade by reducing sensitive items, thereby creating more opportunities for Lankan exporters.

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Lanka rides $60Bn global FOSS wave to help exporters, aiming cost advantage


Lanka rides $60Bn global FOSS wave to help exporters, aiming cost advantage

Sri Lanka has a favourable ‘per container cost to export’ rate of only $ 595. After reporting $1.07 Bn record exports in March, the country is now mulling a new high tech initiative to help exporters to lower this rate for added competitive advantage-while eager Lankan exporters are already testing to avail themselves to a portion of $60Bn global savings from Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).

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Apparel exports up by 20% to $ 1,257 m


Apparel exports up by 20% to $ 1,257 m

Sri Lanka's first quarter exports registered a positive growth of 16%, while monthly exports for March jumped by as much as 27%.

"This is encouraging for our efforts towards $ 20 bn export goal by 2020 as envisioned by President Mahinda Rajapaksa," said Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce on May 9 in Colombo.

Accordingly, this year's first quarter provisional exports totalled $ 2.80 bn while the comparative 2013 first quarter total exports stood at $ 2.36 bn, showing a 15.7% Q-on-Q growth.

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Sri Lanka's textile & garment exports grow 6.6% in Feb'14


Sri Lanka's textile & garment exports grow 6.6% in Feb'14

Sri Lanka’s earnings from exports of textiles and garments grew by 6.6 percent to US$ 396.2 million in February 2014, compared to earnings of $371.6 million recorded in same month last year, according to a press release on ‘External Sector Performance – February 2014’ issued by the Economics Research Department of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

The statement reflected two key trends in Sri Lanka’s textile and garment trade—an increase in apparel exports to non-traditional markets and a higher local value addition in the clothing industry.

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Sri Lanka: Trade deficit narrows, export earnings rise


Sri Lanka: Trade deficit narrows, export earnings rise

The external sector further strengthened in February 2014 with the trade deficit continuing to narrow as a result of an increase in earnings from exports and a decline in expenditure on imports.

Inflows on account of workers' remittances and earnings from tourism recorded an increase during the month contributing to the substantial reduction in the current account deficit. These developments together with continued inflows to the financial account resulted in a surplus in the Balance of Payments (BOP) upto February 2014, the Central Bank said yesterday.

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Sri Lanka exports up 5.4-pct in February, imports fall


Sri Lanka exports up 5.4-pct in February, imports fall

Sri Lanka's exports rose 5.4 percent in February 2014 from a year earlier, with apparel exports up 6.6 percent, while imports fell amid weak credit growth, official data showed.

In the first two months of the year exports were up 13.9 percent to 1,739 million US dollars, the Central Bank said. Agricultural exports rose 15.3 percent to 201.2 million US dollars with tea up 11.7 percent to 115.6 million US dollars.

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Sri Lanka to double income from ornamental fish exports by 2016


Sri Lanka to double income from ornamental fish exports by 2016

Sri Lanka has earned over Rs 1.2 billion last year from exporting ornamental fish and measures will be taken to double this income by 2016, the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Ministry says.

Sri Lanka's ornamental fish production had produced over 46,000 metric tons in 2009 and this amount has increased to nearly 70,000 metric tons last year, placing Sri Lanka in the third place in exporting ornamental fishes, according to the Ministry.

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Exporters praise cinnamon licensing, see good times ahead


Exporters praise cinnamon licensing, see good times ahead

Just a day after unveiling cinnamon logo licenses, Sri Lanka’s exporters heaped praise on the Government and the Export Development Board for the latest national initiative towards their sector on 8 April. “We are proud to have won this Pure Ceylon Cinnamon logo. To the global markets, this symbol shows where true cinnamon originates from. The EDB has really come out with it!” said an upbeat Priyadarshani Halpe, General Manager, G.P. de Silva & Sons International Ltd.

Halpe, one among many exporters who expressed similar sentiments, was speaking about the ‘Inaugural issuance of Pure Ceylon Cinnamon brand licenses to Lankan exporters’ event held at EDB Auditorium, Colombo on 7 April.

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With first official Ceylon Cinnamon batch active, Lanka positions for $ 1b spice exports


With first official Ceylon Cinnamon batch active, Lanka positions for $ 1b spice exports

As Sri Lanka’s first batch of exporters successfully captured their licences to officially flavour the world with Sri Lanka’s second global brand yesterday, the country recommitted to $ 1 billion in spice and cinnamon exports by 2020.

“Today, nine Sri Lankan cinnamon export firms are empowered by this initiative. Together, these nine firms claim more than 25% of our annual cinnamon export values. We are aiming at $ 1 billion in spice and cinnamon exports by 2020,” said Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen yesterday, addressing the ‘Inaugural issuance of Pure Ceylon Cinnamon brand licenses to Lankan exporters event’ at the EDB Auditorium.

In yet another important industry support initiative in the tradition of Export Development Board for Lankan exporters, for the first time, nine Sri Lankan cinnamon export firms qualifying to export cinnamon using ‘Pure Ceylon Cinnamon brand license’ were awarded license certificates by Bathiudeen at the event. The qualifying exporters in the first batch were A Baur & Co Ltd., Casa Canela Ltd., Dtriangle Ltd, Food & Nature Ltd., G.P. De Silva & Sons International Ltd., Intercom Ltd., International Commodity Traders Ltd., Mohksha Ltd. and Rathna Producers Cinnamon Exports Ltd.

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Lanka to participate at SAITEX fair in Johannesburg


Lanka to participate at SAITEX fair in Johannesburg

Sri Lanka Export Development Board in collaboration with the Sri Lanka High Commission in Pretoria, South Africa is organising Sri Lanka’s participation at the South African International Trade Exhibition (SAITEX) to be held from June 22 to 24, 2014 at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa and Afro- Sri Lanka Business Forum to be organised in coincide with SAITEX2014.

SAITEX is the most popular and the region’s largest multi sector international trade fair organized in South Africa for over 20 years. SAITEX serves as a strategic gateway to entire African region.

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Lanka aiming to be a top 10 apparel exporter by 2020: Minister Rishad


Lanka aiming to be a top 10 apparel exporter by 2020: Minister Rishad

In the aftermath of latest record apparel earnings, Sri Lanka is now entertaining bigger apparel dreams. “Our internationally recognised apparel sector has shown strong performance, and has earned revenues of $ 4.3 billion in 2013. President Mahinda Rajapaksa now wants us to be among the world’s top 10 apparel export countries by 2020,” said Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen on 21 March.

Minister Bathiudeen was addressing the inauguration event of the newly established Leather & Footwear Industry Training Unit and the upgraded Engineering Workshop with mechatronics at the Sri Lanka Institute of Textile and Apparel (SLITA) on 21 March in Ratmalana.

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Sri Lanka exports up in Jan 2014, trade gap down amid low credit growth


Sri Lanka exports up in Jan 2014, trade gap down amid low credit growth

Sri Lanka's exports surged 23.3 percent to 728.7 million US dollars in January 2014, and the trade gap narrowed 5.9 percent to 755.9 million US dollars amid low credit growth, official data showed.

Industrial exports rose 23.6 percent to 691.6 million US dollars with apparel also up 23.4 percent to 412.0 million US dollars, the Central Bank said. Agricultural products grew 14.9 percent to 116.1 million US dollars, with higher prices also coming for tea. The Central Bank said the average export price of tea had risen to 5.31 US dollars per kilogram in January 2014 from 4.58 dollar a year earlier.

Rubber product exports were up 16.6 percent to 73 million US dollars. Petroleum export revenues from bunkers and aviation fuel had fallen 18.4 percent to 33 million US dollars despite a 10.6 percent rise in volume, due to falling prices.

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The Footwear & Leather fair 2014 was ceremonially inaugurated by Hon Basil Rajapaksa Minister of Economic Development. Hon Rishard Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry & Commerce, Hon Lakshman Wasantha Perera, Deputy Minister of Industry & Commerce and Hon. Weerakumara Dissanayaka, Deputy Minister of Traditional industries & Small Enterprise Development were the Guests of honor at this event. Large gathering of diplomats form countries namely Iraq, Italy, Vietnam, Netherlands, Iran, Nigeria, Indonesia, Turkey, India, France, European Union, Libya, Romania, Cuba, Malaysia and Germany was presented at the opening ceremony.

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Plastics, Rubber make promising start in 2014


Plastics, Rubber make promising start in 2014

The Plastics and Rubber Industry in Sri Lanka (PRISL), the apex organization focused on the training and development of manpower needed to the emerging requirements of the plastics and rubber based industries in Sri Lanka, has successfully accomplished three significant events

A Joint venture with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce

PRISL achieved a significant milestone in its history of 55 years when it launched a training programme on the practical aspects of rubber processing technology, with the support of Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce.

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Norwegian GSP+ opens $ 100 b market for Sri Lanka


Norwegian GSP+ opens $ 100 b market for Sri Lanka

  • Norwegian Customs offers hands-on support in Colombo for first time
  • Post-war Lanka demonstrated strong growth: Norwegian Ambassador
  • Norwegian openings for Lankan textiles, tea and rice: Norwegian Customs
  • Norway a gateway to Scandinavian market: EDB’s Egodage

As bilateral trade soared by a strong 26%, Norway, the gateway market to Scandinavia and the third highest per capita market in the world, called Sri Lanka on 18 March to step forward and grab promising opportunities available with it.

“There are many niche markets for your products and new opportunities are available in Norway. The new Norwegian GSP Plus involves lower middle income countries with populations of less than 75 million. Sri Lanka therefore qualifies as a GSP Plus country. As result, Sri Lanka now receives better market access to Norway,” announced Ambassador of Norway in Colombo Grete Lochem on Tuesday.

Lochem was addressing the EDB-facilitated seminar on the Norway GSP+ scheme at the EDB auditorium, Colombo.

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Steps taken to expand Gem and Jewelry exports


Steps taken to expand Gem and Jewelry exports

Sri Lanka’s Gem and Jewelry Industry is emerging as one of the biggest foreign exchange earning industry for the country. The Gem and Jewellery Authority has implemented many measures to uplift the industry.

These includes holding periodical exhibitions locally and in foreign countries and providing facilities for gem miners and establishing partnerships with other gem exporting countries in the world.

As a result of these activities Myanmar has invited Sri Lanka to establish cooperation in the industry.  Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce Lakshman Wasantha Perera said that with this new initiative from Myanmar we could establish new industries both local and foreign to enable us to generate huge employment opportunities locally and overseas, in addition to development of Sri Lankan exports.

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Exports surge by 6.2% in 2013


Exports surge by 6.2% in 2013

Sri Lanka’s exports, which suffered a YoY decline of 7% in 2012, returned with a bang in 2013 posting a 6.2% surge. "I and EDB thank our exporters for their commitment for this strong performance" a Ministry of Industry and Commerce press release quoted Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen as saying.

The release adds: ‘Minister Bathiudeen was acknowledging the latest provisional annual export performance numbers briefed to him by his officials on January 22 in Colombo.

‘According to the latest provisional figures by the EDB, 2013 cumulative exports earnings stood at $ 10379.94 Mn, growing by 6.2% from 2012’s annual export revenues of $ 9773.63 Mn.

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Export earnings increase to record levels in October


Export earnings increase to record levels in October

The external sector strengthened further with the trade deficit contracting sharply in October 2013,the Central Bank said yesterday. Earnings from exports increased to record levels, reflecting the ongoing recovery in the global economy, while expenditure on imports declined. The contraction of the trade deficit, higher inflows to the services account and an increase in private transfers contributed to reducing the current account deficit.

The favourable developments in the external sector together with higher inflows to the financial account, resulted in the Balance of Payments (BOP) recording an estimated surplus during the first ten months of 2013, compared to the deficit recorded during the corresponding period of 2012, the Central Bank said yesterday.

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Lanka exports jump in October


Lanka exports jump in October

Sri Lanka is hopeful as exports continue to surge with latest volumes showing a promising uptrend. “The export trend in September is continuing. The 3% exports increase in October is higher than expected” said a pleased Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce on 22 November.

Minister Bathiudeen was acknowledging the latest export numbers for October 2013 indicated to him by his top officials on 22 November at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

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